What Country Music Singer Are YOU?

Love country? Ever wish to be a singer? or just admire the amazing singers who sing it? Then THIS is the qiuz for you! People think country is just a bunch of hobo hillbilly redneck HEY YAWL LEYTS GO TO THE BARN s--- thats just so untrue! And if you are are one of those people, then just pack your stuff and get outta town :)

Love country? Ever wish to be a singer? or just admire the amazing singers who sing it? Then THIS is the qiuz for you! People think country is just a bunch of hobo hillbilly redneck HEY YAWL LEYTS GO TO THE BARN s--- thats just so untrue! And if you are are one of those people, then just pack your stuff and get outta town :) :)

Created by: Sami

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You wake up on a saturday morining that you plan on having a HUGE outdoor bash with your friends. It's raining. What do you do?
  2. Are you into country?
  3. Would you consider yourself "Redneck"
  4. Are you a vegitarian?
  5. Do you like to 4-wheel?
  6. Do you like long-term relationships?
  7. Do you prefer loud or quiet?
  8. Hurt easily?
  9. Do you like animals?
  10. Like parties or home?

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Quiz topic: What Country Music Singer am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Country Quiz category.