What country do you belong to?

G’day, g’day everyone! Hope your all having a good day! Today this is a quiz about what country do you really belong to! No, not what country your from, the country, that lays deep inside your heart! Read my directions and follow my rules so you can have a great time with me! 🤗🤗
First, the questions and answers are very easy, and you should get done with them within the time that you take. Answer them one by one. No need to rush, unless you really have to wee or poo, or have to go somewhere, anyways, just take your time! RULES do not take this quiz seriously. If I get your favorite country wrong, do not get mad. If you swear, fight, or harass in the comments, I will block you. Sorry if I get anything wrong in this quiz, and sorry if there’s a lot of Australian questions in there because I’m Australian. Good luck!