What Corpse Party Character Are You?

You perform a occult ritual. It goes wrong and you and eight of your friends are trapped in a haunted school that was knocked down years ago and replaced by your own school. You must survive the school and return home with as many friends as possible but one wrong move and you could end up feeling your torturous and pain filled death forever.

Take this quiz to find out which character YOU are and your odds of surviving Heavenly Host Elementry and returning home alive. Not everyone makes it back but the question is, will you?

Created by: Sandb
  1. You arrive in a haunted school full of decaying bodies and skeletons. Your on your own and terrified of what killed the people whose bodies are littered around the school. Your friends have disappeared and your going crazy. What do you do?
  2. You find a small bag hidden under a floor board. It contains a blood soaked tounge that stinks. You don't know whose tounge it is. What do you do?
  3. You leave your friend alone for a few minutes and when you return they are puking and has just narrowly escaped death. You feel really guilty for leaving them and they tell you that they think it is best to split up so you can leave quicker. What do you do?
  4. You see a dead body decomposing beside you. You have three objects with you, a white sheet, a rucksack and a phone. What do you do?
  5. You have just witnessed your friends death. They are just a heap of blood, organs and chunks of flesh now. What do you do?
  6. You are told that the way out of this place is by collecting items. One of the items is in the remains of your dead friend. What do you do?
  7. There is an oddly shaped bruise on your friends thighs. They think it is nothing but you have a similar grape coloured bruise on your abdomen. You don't want to worry them any further. What do you do?
  8. The way out of the haunted school requires a paper doll scrap. One of your friends has lost their scrap and you have two, yours and your deceased friends. What do you do?
  9. Your friends believe they have found another way out of the haunted school. You strongly believe it won't work and wish your friends would do things your way. What do you do?
  10. You escape the haunted school with only one of your friends. You don't want to leave your friends behind but you could die if you go back. You have a few minutes to decide before it is impossible to enter again. What do you do?
  11. You stumble upon a young girl wrapped in bandages. The bandages are keeping her prisoner as they are tied to various tables and other bandages. Her eyes are covered and so is her mouth. One of the bandages is tied to a plaster bust and the bust is keeping a bucket suspended. If you cut or untie any of the bandages the bucket will pour its contents on the girl. She is thrashing and moving the bust slowly, it is now nearing the ledge. What do you do?
  12. The only friend you have in the school has just left you and you don't know what to do. You don't know where they are or what they are doing. Your terrified when a older boy approaches you and offers his services. What do you do?
  13. You really need a wee but you don't want to just pee in a corner, not with the threat of being chased by murderers hanging over you. You have one of your friends of the opposite gender with you. What do you do?
  14. One of your friends confesses their love to you but you don't return their feelings. What do you do?
  15. Your alone when you are approached by a ghost. They are young and have an actual human form rather than a flame like quality. Your in a corridor but there is a huge hole at the other end that has been there since the last earthquake. What do you do?
  16. A huge earthquake has just begun and your with one of your friends. They haven't got quick reflexes and might get crushed by falling debris. What do you do?
  17. You don't have got your doll scrap that lets you escape. Your scared of what will happen but you don't want to inconvenience your friends any further. What do you do?
  18. You are just about to leave when a ghost with a sledge hammer appears beside you. It is a huge male ghost and he stands before you best friend. He is about to kill them. What do you do?
  19. Your friend has been possesed or is succumbing to 'the darkening'. You don't know what to do. They are going mental and you really want to save them. What do you do?
  20. Your escape the haunted school with a small handful of friends. Your best friend has been killed and your devastated. You get bs k home and the next day, at school, you realise that people have already forgotten your dead friends as if they never existed.

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Quiz topic: What Corpse Party Character am I?