There are many smart cookies, but fue are true cookies. Cookies is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a cookie? A cookie is a cookie who has an extraotdinarily clever taste, is able to make the most complex mouth waterings, and see the world in a cookie view.

This is about the cookies, if you want to know how you become a cookie, the you start here. Where you start to know which cookie you are, and the randomness helps you along the way. Ignore this 2 paragraph thing because i dont like it more than you do.blo

Created by: Jenjen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, so a guy walks up to you and asks if you could fill out a survey ( What's ur fav dessert?). You:
  2. You're at the mall with some friends and see something of your ultimate dreams... What is it?
  4. You get 5 whole hrs on the internet. You:
  5. Its dessert time and you get to pick what type of dessert you'll have. You pick:
  6. Whats your favorite colour? eh?
  7. Whats your favorite cooke...? cokie, cooky, kookie, kooky.....darn.
  8. Will you rate me? because Im awsome like that?
  9. Skittles or Starbursts?
  10. This question is, socks or slippers? ( I like to talk to myself)

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Quiz topic: What COOKIE am I?