What console are you?

There are many gamers, but few true consoles. Consoles are, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a console? Find out soon!

Are you a console? do you be amazimg? do you have the SeGa GeNeSiS to qualify for that prestigious title? idk you might be a SnEs instead BrUdA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: AtomicEmperor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which console manufacturer do you like the most?
  2. Do you prefer cartridges or discs for containing games?
  3. Choose your fave character out of these.
  4. Choose your fave genre of game.
  5. I don't know what to do now.
  6. Do you enjoy Fortnite?
  7. Let fate decide now.
  8. Fate did nothing
  9. Do you ever pretend you have a tail when you don't really have one? 'cuz I do.
  10. k bye

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Quiz topic: What console am I?