What condiment are you

This quiz explains what kind of condiment you are! It is totally accurate and you will be surprised with results! Never worry again about what condiment you are wit my help.Have fun!

You will never wonder what condiment you are again because this quiz makes so much sense! I’ve studied condiments for years and finally figured out how they are like humans be amazed.

Created by: Mary
  1. How would you describe yourself ?
  2. What’s your favorite color
  3. Are you good with children
  4. What’s your favorite thing to do at a party
  5. What’s your favorite mix drink
  6. What’s your favorite sport to watch
  7. What’s your least favorite type of music
  8. What’s you favorite day of the week
  9. What’s your favorite type of food
  10. What kind of animal would you be ?

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Quiz topic: What condiment am I
