what concept car are you?

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okay, it's me, someboadee, back like i said i would. okay, so i was getting really interested in concept cars, and i thought, "hey, why shouldn't i make a quiz about this?".

so, anyway, there's nothing left to say but this. good luck! hope you get a good result! well, bye!

Created by: Someboadee
  1. where would you rather live?
  2. what would your car look like?
  3. what color(s) would your car be?
  4. what would you find best in your concept car?
  5. a few more questions more..
  6. how would your stereotypical description be?
  7. what would you do with your car?
  8. the special part about your car?
  9. sorry, that question was like that other one.
  10. done!

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Quiz topic: What concept car am I?