what colour should you dye your hair [natural]

hey, I really hoped you enjoy my quiz! sorry I could not make a unnatural hair colour quiz. but I personally love red hair even though I do not have it

so I was wondering what I could make a quiz about and I looked at my hair and thought, YEAH! NATURAL HAIR COLOURS! I think it is a cool quiz and you'll love it

Created by: kk3344
  1. !hello
  2. so do you like harry potter
  3. What is your fave colour😁😝😘😚😆😅😂😅😄😊😉😊😄😏😐😈😅😅😌😏😆😈😍
  4. do you like moi
  5. what is your fave country
  6. are you loud
  7. what do you find amusing
  8. tom riddle is...
  9. you are
  10. by by

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Quiz topic: What colour should I dye my hair [natural]
