What colour is your soul? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What colour is your soul?

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  • Your Result: You are purple

    You work in many mysterious ways and live in two separate worlds: Reality and your own secret world. You are quiet and shy but somehow people know you are there. You are spontaneous.

    Cre epy, its completely accurate.

  • You are black

    You are shut off from the world and stay in your own area. You work and live better on your own. People try to help you but you kindly deny it as your independant. Your happy alone which isnt a bad thing at all.

    Huh, tell my mom that...

    satan and emos
  • I got BLACK

    Yes i prefer being alone because everywhere i go it seems like everyone wants to piss me off

    I have a terrible temper

  • Thank you for commenting people!

  • Blue is my favourite colour and I got blue :)

  • I am black or purple. Tell my annoying classmates that bother me when I'm reading that. I PREFER BEING ALONE!!!!!!!


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