What color should you paint your nails?

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So you don't know what color to paint your nails? Well here just answer some questions and you'll soon find your perfect match! After all we all love a good manicure.

Will you get purple? Or blue? Who knows!! There's only one way to see..... Are you brave enough to start this quiz? Remember, this colour matches you PERFECTLY...

Created by: Lilley
  1. What's your fave color
  2. Fave drink?
  3. Fave movie genre
  4. Fave pets?
  5. Fave social media site?
  6. Best device?
  7. Who is most SLAY???
  8. Which Harry Potter character would you date?
  9. Best fantastical creature?
  10. Final question, what color would YOU like to paint your nails?

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Quiz topic: What color should I paint my nails?
