What color represents you? Find out

Have you ever wondered what color represents you? This short quiz that will only take half a minute gives you some questions to determine what color may represent you! It also provides a description of what you may be like. If you don’t feel like that is what you are, feel free to take the quiz again!

If you don’t see an answer that matches what you would do, you can pick the closest answer, or the next best one. If you aren’t afraid of inaccurate answers, you can pick a random answer whenever you don’t feel any of the choices match you. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Allison Guan
  1. You just joined a team. When it was time to decide what to make as a project, your idea was not chosen. What do you do?
  2. You are given the opportunity to be the captain of a school team for a year. What do you do?
  3. You accidentally give away your cousin’s secret to a friend. What do you do?
  4. Would you like to be part of a school sport team?
  5. Does “Ambitious role model” describe you?
  6. Would you describe yourself as “kind”?
  7. Do you care about how people think about you?
  8. Do you call yourself an optimist?
  9. Do you think you are a “popular person”?
  10. True or false: You are a persevering person.
  11. True or false: You would describe yourself as “nerdy”.
  12. Your account is banned from a website for “hacking, stealing personal information”, which you clearly did not do. You...
  13. After writing part a story, then posting it online, you receive a lot of criticism. Do you keep writing the story?

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