What Color Is Your Poop?

Have you ever wondered what color your poop is, I know I have. Well now you can find out. Is it green, brown, red? You'll never know until you take this quiz.

This quiz is based on things such as how much you offend me, how good you are at resisting choosing the stupid answers, and the common sense of your poop color (seriously, you sould know it already)

Created by: Joe Steve
  1. Go poop, what color is your poop
  2. Eat Something, what color is your food
  3. Jello, yes or no?
  4. Where's Waldo?
  5. How about the weather we're having
  6. Your gf/bf just broke up with you, what will you do?
  7. Did you have a bad day.
  8. What animal are you most likely to not cry while stabbing?
  9. What day is your birthday
  10. Is this the best quiz ever

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Quiz topic: What Color Is my Poop?