what color is your personality?

I have no clue what to type. Really, this is just a random quiz. And nobody ever reads these things anyway, so what is the point. Grr... I need six more characters. DONE!!:-D

I have no clue what to type. Really, this is just a random quiz. And nobody ever reads these things anyway, so what is the point. Grr... I need six more characters. DONE!!:-D (I needed 2 paragraphs)

Created by: red angel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone being beat up, you:
  2. What color do you paint your nails?
  3. You have ___ friends
  4. People would call you:
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Least favorite?
  7. Girls rule, boys drool!
  8. Boys rule, girls drool!
  9. Whitch do you make on Your face the most
  10. What do you say the most?

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Quiz topic: What color is my personality?