What color is your lightsaber?

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AWESOMEEE lightsaber quiz!!!!

TAKE THE QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: jantremendous
  1. If you had to choose a color to represent of how you feel,which would it be?
  2. Do you like star wars?
  3. If you had to choose between a rare lightsaber crystal and a normal 1,which would u go 4?
  4. Are you enjoying the quiz so far?
  5. There's only one space left to go on a field trip from the jedi temple 2 go to illum,what would u do?
  6. Did you like the previous quizzes i made,about which beater character are you,and Which beater character is right 4 u
  7. If you had to choose the dark side or the light side,which Would you choose?
  8. In your mind as a jedi,how powerful are you?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Do you want to know your answer

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Quiz topic: What color is my lightsaber?