What color is truely your favorite?

Everyone is always asking "What's your favorite color?". Few people actually know but the odds are that really isn't their favorite This quiz is to find out "What color is truely your favorite?"!!!!!!

What is your favorite color? That's my question to you. If you had a hard time answering this quiz then this is surely the quiz for you. in a few short minutes you will now the color that is truely your favorite!!!

Created by: soccerfroggy1

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you energetic?
  2. Do you enjoy the outdoors
  3. What school subject is your favorite
  4. How is your room decorated
  5. do you eat by yourself or at a table with the family
  6. do you like being around others
  7. how many a's do you have on your report card
  8. when you draw what do you draw pictures of
  9. did you like this quiz
  10. did you have fun taking this quiz

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Quiz topic: What color is truely my favorite?