What color horse/pony would you be?

we all have are favorite hose colours but what color would you be or mabe what color your horse would be horse colors are amazing take this quiz and find out

seee what horse color you are you know your curious just do it it will only take a few minutes huh huh huh please take my quiz its my first please and thanks

Created by: pay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fav horse color
  2. what is your favorite breed
  3. do you want a ...
  4. what is your favorite color
  5. do you like horses
  6. do you want a horse or a pony
  7. are you a horse person
  8. do you own a horse
  9. would you rather have a slow horse or a fast bad horse
  10. do you know allot about horses

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