What color are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What color are you?
You are the color blue! You can be maybe a bit moody sometimes but your also pretty smart and do well in school. You are also very strong so nothing can stop you!
This is SO true. And blue is my favorite color, too.
Kepler1 -
White, I'm a little shy, but not around my friends! But I don't have many friends in real life, of course that's why I love gtq so much
yellow! Well I am a very overly happy person :D
Myth1 -
White, described me pretty well, although I don't have a lot of close friends.
Really crappy quiz.With only 4 possible colors and nonesense description.
Viktor1 -
I don't like blue, I like purple and pink, that is all :P
SG1151 -
How does it not have black, red or green?
Im blue it descriped me pretty good but im well it dicripe me i guess ._.
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