What color are you?

Have you ever wondered what color you are? Well, your in luck!! Answer these questions from the heart, or in other words be you!! After your done the results will very from Hot Pink to Black!!

This quiz was made to be a fun experince. So have fun!! Share with your friends and family. Remeber, the results are most acarate when you answer truthfully. Enjoy!!

Created by: Bel
  1. Which word best describes your personality?
  2. Which of the following can you not live without?
  3. Its Saturday! You plan to go to out with your friends. Where would you rather go?
  4. What your favorite thing to listen to?
  5. Time for a snack. Which would you chose?
  6. Do you consider yourself smart?
  7. What house are you in from Harry Potter?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. What animal most reminds you of yourself?
  10. Pick a item:

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Quiz topic: What color am I?

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