What color are you?

This quiz is mostly about personality. Depending on what you answer to each question, you will get a color that matches your personality and way of thinking.

Answer all the questions honeslty. Think about each one, and make your decision. If you don’t answer honeslty, your final result may not be what you expected. Anyways, have fun!

Created by: Sofia
  1. If you are working and someone comes up and talks to you, what do you do?
  2. You’re talking, but someone interrupts you, what do you do?
  3. You are at a dance party, and you see someone who catches your attention. What do you do?
  4. You go to the cinema to buy tickets you’ve waited so long to get, but all the tickets are sold out, what do you do?
  5. Which of these adjectives describe you best?
  6. Which of these animals would you like best?
  7. When you are with a group of people, you normally make people feel:
  8. If you could pick one of these sports to do, which one would you choose?
  9. What music would you jam out to?
  10. What would you like to do on weekends?

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Quiz topic: What color am I?
