what color are you?

have you ever wanted to know what lies beneath your exterior? well take this quiz! i take a dip into your sub conquios (whatever)and see what really lies behind that hair of yours. come onalong now! thankyou love.

do you have the guts to take my awesome quiz AND deal with my bad spelling? i dont think you do but if your up for the challenge bring it on. {note there are only four colors so you can take it as many times as youy want and there will still be FOUR colors. thanks ;)

Created by: 6811141414
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is your birthday in the first six months of the year?
  2. do you like music
  3. is your birthday in the last six months?
  4. do you like animals?
  5. do you like to fly?
  6. do you have many friends?
  7. are you gay? (if your a guy, if your a chick just put no you'll see why)
  8. are you a lebian? (for girls, if your a dude then i guess you can if your straight but whatever.)
  9. are you straight? (everyone?)
  10. are you bi?(now i just want to know)
  11. do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What color am I?