What clothing are you?

Ummmmm ok.... i like attention and i like funny stuff..... but this is really halfway good.... You should try this quiz! If you like funny, but also Hoodys,Jackets,sweaters,or T-Shirts,DO THIS QUIZ PLEASE!

The whole point of this quiz is that,well...I dont know....but i think i do!....gimmE a minute.... OK i know! If you like Clothes, and If your in the mood for something funny, Please try this quiz!

Created by: Alexander
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like the most? Only PICK ONE! YEAH, THATS RIGHT! ONE!
  2. Do you like Sleeves?
  3. Do you like Clothes on your Body or Warmth?
  4. What is your Favorite color?
  5. Do you like fur? or Cloth?
  6. OK OK OK OK! Wow..... Oh hi! Now do you *bang bang(gun shots)* Jerry! STOP THAT! ok , Now do you like Comfort or OMG! *chainsaw noise* OMG OMG OMG OR OR OR.....NVM!
  7. Sorry about that....Jerry is..... oh god how do i say this?..... Mentaly Retarted....BUT dont worrie hes gone....to the mental hospital...nut house......
  8. You want more Quiz now? OK here you go.... Do you like fruit? JK Do you like your head covored?
  9. *Whistle* Knock Knock?
  11. YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!!? IM DONE GOOD BYE! ... LOL.... i ran out of questions....

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Quiz topic: What clothing am I?