what clone trooper would you be

some of us were leaders some maraders some just shoot in the back round.ever wonder what kind of trooper would i be well know you can find out and i set the bar prety low for the grunt so if you are a grunt make some changes

are you a natural leader do you kill droids for fun or becuase it is what you were bred to do now you can find out what class trooper would you be wooo

Created by: kilamaverta
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your brother ct9876y5 is about to get stabbed by camando droid and if you shoot the others see you and kill you instead you..
  2. your on a recon misson you get lost but find an enemy instalation you cant radio hq theyll intercept it and trace hq what do you do
  3. you are over run what do you do
  4. you see a man slaughtering your men you finnaly dis arm him you are about to kill him when your jedi general says dont let hate getin the way what do you do
  5. you areon earth for some reason you have a choice of sodas which one do you chose
  6. you are on clonetube and you have a choice of clonebuscus vidios
  7. what is you favorite chuck norris joke
  8. what was your favorite question of the quiz
  9. what is your fav text phrase
  10. what is your fav text phrase

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