What class do you fit into? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What class do you fit into?

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  • Your Result: You are totally ORIGINAL

    You are an independent person. You are totally original and you don't take orders from anyone else. You aren't afraid of change and you are totally down to earth.

    You are a SKATER for life
    You fit into the class of NERDS/GEEKS
    You are purely PUNK!
    You are GOTH all the way
    You fit into the EMO class
    You are absolutely PREPPY
    You're a JOCK
    awesomely true!! =D

    Puppy xo1
  • What class do you fit into?
    Your Result: You are totally ORIGINAL

    You are an independent person. You are totally original and you don't take orders from anyone else. You aren't afraid of change and you are totally down to earth.


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