What Clan are you in?

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Hi!!!! I loooooooooooooooooooooove warrior cats. IF U DONT UR MY ENIMIE!!!!!!! I enjoyed making this quiz and I hope you like taking it! The next paragraph will be me being a poet

Warrior cats are da best,if u don't lets,kill you and dribble your blood,now ur it starclans mud,Earth is a wonderful place,full of mouse and Chase,don't forget the cats tho,hope you liked this ryme.co!!

Created by: Kitty100
  1. You are looking around the nursery when a big brown and ginger apprentice walks in and sits infront of you. "I am MuddyPaw, I am going to become the med cat! What do you want to become little kit" The small apprentice smiled then licked you between your ears "I don't know what I want to be!" You said when you saw something move "What is your name, I do not want to call you 'kit' all the time" He kept staring at you happily.
  2. *pounced* "Ouch" Mudpaw shouted. You get off what you pouced at then relise it was Mudpaws tail. "Sorry Mudpaw, Anyway I do not have a name" "Hello ShallowWhisker, I have just met your adorable kit" You looked at where Mudpaw was looking, behind you. You turned around "Hello mother" She giggled "I have found a loved name for you" You jump around with exitment then shout..
  3. "Well I think that suggestion is great but I think ShallowWhisker has another name than that. I will see you later, I'm just gonna collect some _" Mudpaw said. What did he say?
  4. "See you soon Mudpaw" ShallowWhisker said. "It will be... Foxkit"
  5. "WHOOOP WHOOOP!" I LOOOOOVE that name! :D!
  6. (10 moons have passed) "Hello Bubblepaw! Its great to see you, how is your scar doing? Yesterday it was bleeding everywere!" MudPaw purred "Its not bleeding witch it good but it does hurt, the Burdock helped a lot though" You said as you limbed into the med cat den. "Well that is great! My mentor HollowTear will be proud I hope" MudPaw mummbled with some Burdock in his mouth. "Here She comes" You whisperd watching HollowTear walk in. "Mudpaw, you are doing great, I was about to ask you to collect some cobwebs now, there is only 3 big peaces left but you are helping Bubblekit. I will come back later" She was holding a red bird... it could of been white but it was coverd in blood so it looked red.
  7. *You asked about the bird* "I don't know, when I picked it looked like this" Hollowtear said as she put it down then stated licking the blood away from the bird "Its white" She picked it up again then put it infront of you.
  8. (23 moons have passed) "Hello MudStem, I have called you to talk about Bubblepaw. Can you please make sure she does not go hunting with her mentore, ThornDove. I need to show her something. MudStem nodded then ran of after saying "Yes HoleStar" "Bubblepaw, the leader wantes to show you something!"
  9. "Hello Bubblepaw, follow me" HoleStar said then scamperd of with you following. "This is the last Jemanie Flower, every green leaf all the prey goes here. I needed to tell you that because I do not trust TinyWeb with keeping it a secret to EVERYONE! He would keep it a secret, but only to some people. Will you keep it as a secret?"
  10. (27 moons later (green leaf (HoleStar is dead))) "As leader I say all strong warriors should hunt at diffrent places at the same time for food. Every elder, kit and queen are helpless and weak. What should we do BubbleFlame?" Said TinyStar. "I am deputy and if you can't think of anything I have choices... wait...." You light up with exietment and run of to the last Jemmanie flower. You come back with food and
  11. Even though TinyStar got food she died of hunger. You became BubbleStar and was the best leader of all time because you were the one who saved everyone during greenleaf exept for leader.

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Quiz topic: What Clan am I in?
