What City in the world should you live in?

Welcome to a quiz to see witch city you would like to live in most! It’s AWESOME, It’s INCREDIBLE and It’s AMAZING! Plz don’t quit and not play my quiz!

P.S Enjoy my quiz plz and don’t think it’s funny. more quizzes on this website. I don’t know you found this quiz but it probably took FOREVER anyway bye!

Created by: Kallis
  1. What Disaster are you most afraid of?
  2. What Country would you live in?
  3. What would you like to do most?
  4. What transport would you like to get to Tasmania?
  5. How long would you like to stay in a car on a trip?
  6. Would you like to be driving for 6 hours in the desert?
  7. Would you like to walk 3 hours to get to school?
  8. Would you like to live in a place with 3000 people in the summer and 1000 people in the winter?
  9. Gender 🧒🏿 or 👦🏿
  10. Age

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Quiz topic: What City in the world should I live in?
