what Christmas thing are you

There are manny people like you some are nutcrackers some are wreaths others are very differant and is to things like an ordament and a snowman I hope you liked this test

WHat are you are you a nut cracker or a snow man what are you what do you want to be are you up to the challenge of taking this test or are you a chicken

Created by: jade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the snow
  2. Do you like the outdoors
  3. Do you want to be a solder and be kind
  4. Do you like decorations
  5. Crush things
  6. Mistletoe or snowflakes
  7. Outside or inside
  8. Carrots or nuts
  9. Presents or bows
  10. Hats or designs

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Quiz topic: What Christmas thing am I