What cheer position suits your best?

this quiz is about what cheer position would suit you best, so if you ever decide to do cheer you can know what to work on to get the spot you suit!!!

have you ever heard of scorpion, arabesque, liberty, bow and arrow, heel stretch, needle and scale? no? yes? they're all body positions flyers need to have!! :)

Created by: georgia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. are you flexible?
  2. have you ever heard of scorpion, arabesque, liberty, bow and arrow, heel stretch, needle and scale?
  3. are you strong?
  4. do you like being in the air?
  5. are you afraid of heights?
  6. have you done cheer before?
  7. how long have you been doing cheer for?
  8. what position do you want?
  9. are you light?
  10. are you short?

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Quiz topic: What cheer position suits my best?