What Charlie Bone character are you?

There are many characters in Jenny Nimmo's Charlie Bone series. What one are you more like? A good one or a evil one? Charlie? Oliva? Manfred?(quiz has more character then them) Take the quiz and find out!

What are you really more like, please take the quiz and rind out.

Created by: QuizMaker

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What if you had a endowment what would you what it to be?
  2. What house woul you want to be in at Bloor's Academy?
  3. What kind of person whould you what to be know in as school?
  4. What kind of people would you hang out with?
  5. What cafe would you eat at?
  6. What character do you hate
  7. What are you talents do have or wish you could have?
  8. Things in the books, you wish you could have done? But of course there impossible
  9. What adults for the series are your favorites?
  10. What one of the Red King children side, would you be on?

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Quiz topic: What Charlie Bone character am I?