What character would you be in the lost hero?

Hope you like my quiz and I hope your satisfied with what you get if you got Drew eh she's ok I would kill her tho piper would be like my Bff and so would Annabeth Jason would be my guy friend along with Leo and PERCY

I read this whole book in like 4 days I read day and night and it's like 572 pages haha best book I've ever reed I recemmend it Is called THE LOST HERO BY RICK RIORDAN!

Created by: Sierra

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone gave you 1,000 dollars out of pocket and it was real what would you do with it?
  2. Favorite color ( Me: * Stands wide in the open * Touch me your dead )
  3. Favorite color ( Me: * Stands wide in the open * Touch me your dead )
  4. Weapon???
  5. Who do you want to be out of all of these people? And if u haunt read the book choose your favorite name.
  6. Shoes Boots or heels?
  7. Have you ever read the book The lost hero? ( Does not effect results )
  8. What does your name start with?
  9. Did you enjoy my test?

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