what character would you be in an anime?

Yandere, tsundere, kuudere dandere or even a normal person. they are all people in your stereotypical anime. k?

lets find out which you are "From the roof she came, and pulled out her cellphone" (W-wait, who's this email from!!? Who's wrote this!? Who's wrote this!? WHO COULD THAT BE!?) "I am.... MIDORI GURINUUUUU!" Wait--- YANDERE DEV YANDERE DEV! Tell me, why won't you answer any of my emails?! I put a lot of effort into writing this! Whatever, I'll just send you another one! kay? Mi~mi~mi~ Mi~mi~mi~ Midori! Mi~mi~mi~ Mi~mi~mi~ Midori! Midori!

Created by: Emz the human
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Normal or hentai
  2. sexy or cute
  3. random one :D what harry potter house you from?
  4. ready for your answer?
  5. syke! 5 questions left :3
  6. do you love your family? coz I certainly do
  7. finish the emoji :?
  8. is victuri the best ship ever?
  9. do you love senpai?
  10. this is for real the last question

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