What Character From The Oc Are You?

There are many people who think they can justs ay oh im beautiful im gonna be marissa but they are wrong theres lots more to being marissa, why do you think you should be marissa when maybe your kirsten?

but are you marissa, are you summer, are you ryan, seth, sandy ro kirsten, you would've nver known untill now when youve found this amazing quiz! in a few minutes yo'll find out who you are

Created by: Kelsey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your grandad has been arested but your having girl/boy troubles do you:
  2. Your mum is:
  3. You ______ your dad
  4. You have _____ brothers/sisters
  5. you _____ schoool
  6. When in trouble you turn to
  7. Have you been in trouble before
  8. do you attract trouble
  9. Arte you in love with someone
  10. (if yes) Do they love you back?

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Quiz topic: What Character From The Oc am I?