What Character from Labyrinth are You?

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There a lot of characters in Labyrinth, but I just included the three most important. So which one are you? Jareth, Sarah, or Hoggle? Find out who are now!

I watched the movie last week, and became obsessed! Especially with Jareth...I'm not sure why. I can't explain. Well, go ahead, take the quiz and get your result!

Created by: scissorgirl28
  1. You might collect one of these items, or if not, which would you rather collect?
  2. What would you do if someone stole your sibling?
  3. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  4. What type of hair do you have?
  5. In one word, describe your personality.
  6. If you were in love, what would you do to make the person love you?
  7. What is a talent of your?
  8. What do you fear most?
  9. Are you good looking?
  10. What quote is your favorite?
  11. Who is your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: What Character from Labyrinth am I?