what character do you relate to? (liyue)

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i forgot to include ganyu and yanfei and maybe more, pls forgive meeeeeeeeeeeee! i wanted to see what i could do, because i don't play the game. i made this at 11:30 pm, late spring/early summer, pandemic.

idk what to say... i'm writing a book, likely called either aft twilight or heroes unseen? this is supposed to be a hundred and fifty characters long, so now it's perfect? ish?

Created by: kazuha
  1. are you a geo main?
  2. who do you simp for?
  3. who do you simp for? part two
  4. do you approve of xingyun?
  5. is xiao a good character?
  6. is zhongli nice to xiao?
  7. who is your least favourite of the two?
  8. do you like zhongli?
  9. ningguang.
  10. is keqing cool?
  11. who do you have a <3 on?
  12. who do you have a <3 on?part two
  13. xiao.
  14. who is top chef?
  15. i am qiqi... i am a zombie... and i forget what comes after that...
  16. the ship didn't get back to habour until long after the lanterns had been released.
  17. i saw an adeptus in the form of a child, floating in the air above guyun...
  18. i made this quiz at roughly midnight. do you like?

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Quiz topic: What character do I relate to? (liyue)
