What character are you from my story??

There are many answers you could get and a lot of them you don't want! But then again, there are some real good ones and some that'll be for you no matter what! Take it!(;

Who are you in my story? See your personality come to life like nothing before! Are you a faker, the sweet one, or do you crack under pressure? Find out! Hope you like it, you're welcome!(;

Created by: Lexi
  1. What's your favorite smiley??
  2. You would describe yourself as ??
  3. Out of these, what seems more like you?
  4. What would you do if you heard someone downstairs while you were home alone?
  5. Pick one!
  6. Hair!(Yur favorite, doesn't have to be yur actual)
  7. Fate...
  8. Umm...favorite color? Don't shoot me...
  9. What would you do if you walked in on a friend about to commit suicide?
  10. What would you do if a real good friend (girl if yur boy, boy if yur girl or either way u want)pulled you close and kissed you?

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Quiz topic: What character am I from my story??