What Cereal Brand Are You?

Our quiz is about what cereal brand you probaly have at breakfast. Choices are Captn Crunch, Fruit Loops, wheaties, and Cherrios. Hope you enjoy!Have fun


Created by: Jared
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What time do you wake up in the morning.
  2. What do you do in your free time.
  3. What is your favorite food group
  4. What are Your Grades
  5. What do you want to be when you are older.
  6. How many friends do you have.
  7. What drink do you have at breakfast.
  8. What brands do you wear.
  9. What sexual orientation are you?
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What Cereal Brand am I?