What celebrity do you look most like?? (Females only)

What celebrity do you look most like?? Well, you're about to find out!!! Please fill out the answers (honestly) and find out WHICH CELEBRITY YOU LOOK MOST LIKE!!!!!!!

This quiz works better if you are a woman/girl, as the answers are adjusted to fit females, and bot males. Enjoy, and pleade give this quiz a thumbs-up!!!

Created by: hi
  1. Which of the following is most like your hair colour:
  2. How often would you change your hair colour/length??
  3. What is your go-to style of clothing??
  4. Which of the following best describes you
  5. What do people notice/know you for??
  6. What sort of skin tone do you have??
  7. Which of the following would you prefer to be doing in a talent show??
  8. Will you like this quiz??
  9. Will you leave a comment??
  10. You ready to get your result.......!??!

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Quiz topic: What celebrity do I look most like?? (Females only)
