What celeberty will you be like?

this is a test for fun but can also possibly be true will you be michael jackson or a hobo well take this quiz and find out tust me it is an awsome quiz and if you are a cool person you would know

this quiz rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said sebastian scalera the quiz critic the best test of my time sais his brother marco so why dont you take it?

Created by: Sebastian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u say ur daring
  2. do you dance sing or act
  3. if you where in a band what would it be
  4. do u know who micheal jackson is
  5. will you be a star
  6. im a hobo
  7. would you say u can do the moonwalk
  8. what car would u buy
  9. whats your diet
  10. did u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What celeberty will I be like?