What celeb are you?

Ever wonder which celebrity best describes you? Here's your chance to find out!!! Whats your trademark? what do people think of you? well take my quiz to find out!!!

In just a few minutes you will finally find out which celebrity is most like you!!!! I know paragraph 1 is me saying the same thing- ok well, get off my back!!!

Created by: Julie Stark-Crumpler of sk8tergal
(your link here more info)
  1. If you found 1,000 dollars on the street what would you do?
  2. Favorite animal?
  3. Your crush walks out of homeroom, you walk up to him because you want to ask him to the dance. What would u say?
  4. favorite colour?
  5. Eye colour?
  6. Favorite movie?
  7. Which is your favorite word?
  8. Technology?
  9. Pen, Pencil, or Pie?
  10. Trademark?

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Quiz topic: What celeb am I?