What Catventurer Are You?

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Hello my name human, half of those questions did nothing so yeah. Sub to me becuse why not. my channel is BabyE2007Cat. And also read second thingy to know moar

SUBSCRIBE TO ME. MY CHANNEL IS BabyE2007Cat. I have to write a bunch of letters because i dont want to do a first and second thangie SO yeah bye nowss

Created by: BabyE2007Cat
  1. What are you in to?
  2. Whats you favorite song genre?
  3. Where would you wanna live?
  4. Whats your favorite color?
  5. What would be your weapon?
  6. How old do you wanna be?
  7. Which Catventurer would you stalk?
  8. What do you mostly do?
  9. Are you dumb?
  10. Finally, what are you?

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Quiz topic: What Catventurer am I?
