What Cat Name Are You?

Cat names are a way of describing your personalty, they are, after all, why we name are cat's what we do. It's because of who they are, how they act, and what they do.

Well, now YOU can find out what your cat name is! Not only will you find out your cat name, but you will also learn a lot about your character, more of who you are. Take this quiz, and find out your cat name! :)

Created by: Emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like people?
  2. Are you considered smart?
  3. Are you Pretty?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. How may friends do you have?
  6. What's your favorite color?
  7. What's your favorite book genre?
  8. Do you eat right?
  9. Do you have a crush?
  10. Would friends call you...

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Quiz topic: What Cat Name am I?