what cat are you that was chosen by starclan

are you feathertail,crowfether,tawnypelt,or brammleclaw?

Created by: marigold
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If starclan chose you for a journey, how would you react?
  2. how would you react to salt water?
  3. if you saw a badger talking to you what would you do?
  4. if you met a loner in twolegplace you...........
  5. if your friend that wasnt chosen was held by the tribe you..........
  6. a friend dies you...........................
  7. you get home and noone believes what midnight said you.............................
  8. who do you like more
  9. what are you like
  10. did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: What cat am I that was chosen by starclan