What Cat Are You From InsanityClan

So you've probably never heard of the cats but I'm telling you, the background to these cats are so fun to read!!!!!!TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So take this quiz and try to find out what decisions sum up what cat! Come one come all to the scariest and terrifying clan around! INSANITYCLAN!!!!!!

Created by: Sandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Insanity level 1-5
  2. Pelt color
  3. Eye color
  4. Fur type
  5. Killing ability 1-5
  6. What does love mean to you
  7. Favorite type of prey
  8. (Scenario time!) A kit is sniffing death berries curiously, what do you do
  9. An enemy cat is trying to kill one of your clan mates, what do you do?
  10. Do you want me to make another quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Cat am I From InsanityClan