what cat are you

are you a cat I hope so if not don't take the quiz have fun having fun as you take this quiz of fun nesssssssss have fun being a cat as being a cat is so fun you will enjoty it a lot

ok this is weird I made this quiz at school when I was bored and I rgret it bitterly anyway have fun with this quiz ggutguirngirthntgithigntigijt5ngijtrnigjntij

Created by: berrypaw555
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!your human wants to snuggle with you
  2. the human brings a new cat home
  3. ..role-play time.. your human takes you to the vet to be checked out
  4. its charismas and the ornaments are shiny
  5. your human throws the mouse away that you caught
  6. there's another cat in your yard
  7. your mate kills your kits
  8. did you like this quiz
  9. would you do it again
  10. if your name is Emily how are you

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Quiz topic: What cat am I

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