What Carlson/ Cabarge are you?

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Okay, so you are about to do this quiz. Keep in mind, that all these people are a little weird, so it’s not you. I hope you like your results. If you don’t, sorry...

In this quiz, you will be given 10 questions, each with six answers. If the answer for you isn’t listed, just do what is closest to the answer for you. Anyway, let’s get to the quiz!

Created by: Louise
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Choose a food:
  3. What is a bad habit of yours?
  4. What does your voice sound the most like?
  5. Choose a job to have:
  6. Choose undergarments to wear
  7. What is your hair most like?
  8. Choose an outfit:
  9. Do you like reality TV?
  10. What can you not stand?

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Quiz topic: What Carlson/ Cabarge am I?
