What canterwood crest girl are you?!

It is always good to know the caracters in book and to test if you are like one of them but the trick is to be comepletly honest with yourself and the quiz

Do you know the canterwood crest girls? do you know if you are sasha, callie, alison, julia or heather? well you will find out in just a few second!!!

Created by: Charlize

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you?
  2. Do you love?
  3. What name is best for a horse?
  4. What is your fav part of a horse?
  5. Do you pref.?
  6. What is your fav canterwood crest book?
  7. What will you do?
  8. Do you like?
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  10. Will you take another one?

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Quiz topic: What canterwood crest girl am I?!