What Candy Are You? (for girls)

There are a lot of people who think that they are something that they are not, so clear that up by seeing what candy you are! I have included some funny questions, so check this out!

So, what candy are you? Click here to find out. So................ Are you awesome? Are you mean? Are you a social butterfly? Are you sassy? This quiz is for girls, just so you know.

Created by: Emma
  1. A cute boy bumps into you, and spills coffee on your new outfit!He apologizes, but it that can't fix your outfit! You:
  2. What is your job going to be?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. What color would you paint you nails?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What is your go to Halloween costume?
  7. If you were in a fight, who would win?
  8. What will/did your prom dress look like?
  9. What do people call you at school?
  10. If you were an object, what would you be?
  11. What is your style?
  12. Favorite Genre of Books
  13. Have you ever tried a cigarette?
  14. What human characteristic annoys you the most?
  15. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  16. What is your favorite genre of song?
  17. How old were you when you got your first cellphone?
  18. So, how did you like this quiz?
  19. How many close friends do you have?
  20. What is your favorite saying? (Out of these)
  21. You are in the Hunger Games. What is your weapon of choice
  22. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Candy am I? (for girls)