What Candy Are You??

There are many types of candy in the USA. I wonder if there has ever been a person that has tried them all. After all, there are over 250 different types of candy.

Have you ever wondered what candy you are? Wait no longer!! This quiz is going to tell you exactly which candy you are. After the quiz, be sure to tell your BFFs so they can find out, too!

Created by: PrincessA
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever been on a date?
  2. How often do you have ice cream?
  3. Do you LOVE cats??
  4. If you could rename yourself, which of these names would you pick?
  5. How often do you get good grades in Science??
  6. You have a peanut butter sandwich ready. You have just enough time to add something before the bus arrives. You choose....
  7. How would you describe this quiz?
  8. Which of these actresses is your fave?
  9. Which of these websites is the best?
  10. Which of these Smurfs is cutest in the movie THE SMURFS 2 ?
  11. Do you like candy?

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Quiz topic: What Candy am I??