What candy are you?

I am sorry i createde this quiz by accident because i could not delete it once i started it, but feel free to try my other quizzes that i worked hard on thanks sorry for wasting your time

!" Enter some parting words Parting words will appear after someone has taken your quiz. Try to say something nice, witty, sarcastic, etc. Parting Words: Example: "Thank you so much for taking the genius quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all!"

Created by: Brad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my name
  2. What is the skies color?
  3. What is teh weight tof the earth
  4. How many fingers am i holding up
  5. What is your favorite color
  6. What is ur book
  8. thIS ISI
  9. asdfasd\
  10. asdfasd

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Quiz topic: What candy am I?