What Breyer horse are you?

Well I love breyers there awsome I have fourth or more, not sure but I love them there awsome I hope you like them too. I have gone to Breyer fest a few times it is fun

Breyer fest is where breyr fans gather in the Lexington horse park in Kentucky and buy breyers, do activities , whatch horses, and wait in lines to do stuff

Created by: Belle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many do you have?
  2. Which is your favorite?
  3. do you rename your breyers?
  4. What would you rename the Breyer?
  5. Have you ever been to Breyer fest?
  6. Do you like ice cream?
  7. Did you ever wish breyers were real?
  8. What is you favorite Breyer color
  9. What is you favorite size
  10. Favorite horse breed

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Quiz topic: What Breyer horse am I?