What breed of howrse horse r u?

I may not be the smartest person, but I do know that these types of quizzes are fun and harmless, so there is nothing wrong with this. And it is not rigged, I swear.

Can you figure out how well you know yourself? Will you be able to decide which is the best answer for yourself? What will be the outcome and how will it turn out?

Created by: Trisha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite breed of horse?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. What is your favorite/best sport?
  5. What is your favorite animal?
  6. What is your most constant mood?
  7. What is your favorite movie?
  8. What is/was your best subject in school?
  9. In your opinion, what is the best book you've ever read?
  10. What is your favorite tv channel?
  11. Favorite flower type?
  12. When did you start going out?
  13. Favorite type of music?

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